Observation Data
Location: Albuquerque, NM (35.107878° N, 106.491748° W), On-site
Date and Time: 2023-10-14, 09:10 – 12:15 MDT
Sky conditions: Seeing – very good, some passing clouds
Instrument: Coronado PST H-Alpha telescope @ f/10 – Aperture: 40mm, Focal Length: 400mm
Mount: Star Adventurer 2i
Eyepiece: N/A
Reticle Device: N/A
Imaging Equipment: ZWO ASI 174MM mini, 2x Barlow, ZWO UV/IR cut 1.25″ filter
Image type and sensor: CMOS, Sony IMX249 1/1.2″ sensor
Image capture details: Partial phases: 62x30s avi, exposure: 0.032ms, gain: 190, frame count: 444, best 25% stacked
Annularity phase: 18x10s avi, exposure: 0.032ms, gain: 250, frame count: 149, best 25% stacked
Software: Planetary System Stacker, Photoshop
Contact Times:
Contact 1 (Moon on Sun’s disk): | 09:13 MDT |
Contact 2 (Moon completely inside Sun’s disk): | 10:34 MDT |
Contact 3 (Moon on the other side of Sun’s disk): | 10:39 MDT |
Contact 4 (Moon leaves Sun’s disk): | 12:09 MDT |
Project Objectives
Observe an annular eclipse, noting the exact date and time of each phase of the eclipse: start of partial, start of total, end of total, and end of partial. Include a sketch (or image) showing your observation at the point of maximum coverage, and include information about the location you were observing from – city and state, or latitude and longitude. Include observation data and impressions.
In the final 10 minutes before annularity, check for the following (Time – 10:26):
Are any planets (e.g., Venus) or bright stars visible?
- Venus was directly overhead, high in the sky and west of the sun
Any change in the behavior of birds or other animals?
- I saw quite a few birds flying and singing by as the light started darkening
Any changes in the brightness of the sunlight?
- Yes, there is a noticeable shift in the brightness of sunlight. The sky took on an eerie quality, dimming into a deep blue
What colors or shades seem odd?
- Colors lose contrast and everything appears almost sepia-toned, or muted in a way. The landscape retained a soft illumination, creating a surreal ambiance
Any naked eye visible sunspots?
- Not at this particular time.
Describe what occurs in the last 5 minutes before the beginning of the complete annular phase (Time – 10:31):
Any temperature change?
- There was a noticeable difference in the temperature throughout the event, and moments when I would need to put on a jacket. Noted Temperatures below (in Fahrenheit):
- 09:00 – 50°
- 10:00 – 53°
- 10:30 – 51°
- 11:10 – 53°
- 12:10 – 59°
Does wind direction or speed vary?
- Not that I could tell
Look at the shadows of buildings, etc., are they different?
- The shadows appear sharper, but have a soft/hazy outline, appearing almost doubled
- Gaps, or “pinholes”, in the shadows show crescent shapes

Just before totality, do you see the shadow coming over distant hills or other features?
- I didn’t notice the moon’s shadow, but I did notice a drastic change in lighting
If you didn’t know there was an eclipse, would you have noticed it?
- If I didn’t notice the weird lighting, the shadows would 100% give it away for me
As annularity passes from 2nd to 3rd contacts (Time – 10:34 – 10:39, max at 10:36)
Describe what you see on the ground where the sun once shone fully.
- Rings!

Can you see any detail around the disks?
- Naked eye, no. However, with my telescope, I see prominences and some surface detail on the rim of the sun, and the moon’s disk looks rugged from its cratered surface
When do you see the moon’s disk centered between 2nd and 3rd contacts?
- 10:37 MDT